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Pixalate发布月度发行商信任指数:广告行业首个移动平台 & CTV App Ranking System Based on Traffic Quality; Launches free diagnostic report for publishers

New global Pixalate Top 100™ indexes analyze two trillion data points across the programmatic ecosystem including 5+ million apps and 35+ app categories to create 200 unique reports across the Google, Apple, Roku, and Amazon app stores

London(24 May 2021)

Pixalate, 全球广告欺诈情报和营销合规平台, 今天发布了全球首个出版商信任指数, a global approach to quality measurement and monthly rankings of the world’s mobile and Connected TV (CTV) apps, designed to bring unprecedented transparency to the programmatic advertising ecosystem. 

而传统的排名系统使用基于数量的方法, Pixalate使用专有算法来测量一系列质量指标, 包括品牌安全, invalid traffic (IVT, or ad fraud), programmatic reach, viewability, and more. The Pixalate Top 100™ 排名跨越35个不同的应用类别,包括IAB 2.2种分类法,跨越四个地区:北美、EMEA、APAC和LATAM.

The Publisher Trust Indexes feature more than 200 unique Pixalate Top 100™ rankings for mobile and CTV apps. The top five rated apps on each major app store in North America in April 2021 are: 

  • Google Play Store: WeatherBug、Spotify、The Weather Channel、MyFitnessPal和ibis Paint X

  • Apple App Store: The Weather Channel, Words with Friends 2, MyFitnessPal, WeatherBug, and Spider Solitaire

  • Roku Channel Store: Hulu, fuboTV, Philo, Univision NOW和NewsON

  • 亚马逊Fire电视频道商店: Philo, Pluto TV, CNNgo, fuboTV, Sling TV

“Despite their critical role in the digital ad supply chain and proximity to the end-users, publishers are too often overlooked when it comes to mitigating risk and improving traffic quality,” said Jalal Nasir, CEO at Pixalate. “Empowering publishers to identify and assess their ad fraud and privacy compliance risks will create a more transparent and trustworthy programmatic ad supply chain.”

App publishers will have the ability to request a free “Publisher Diagnostic Report” to gain powerful insights and understand how buyers evaluate their business. The report provides publishers insights to better manage their reputation and improve quality. 一旦被验证为应用程序的注册所有者, publishers will receive the report detailing risk factors identified with suggestions to address any issues.

Both publishers and ad platforms are demanding greater transparency into the programmatic advertising supply chain. Pixalate partners, 包括康卡斯特的XUMO, Criteo, Verizon Media, and PubMatic already understand the benefits of having access to a new industry standard regarding publisher quality. 

“我在广告行业工作了20多年, and the Publisher Trust Index that Pixalate is introducing will truly be a game-changer,” said Jerrold Son, Executive Director, Ad Operations at XUMO. “作为一家专注于最大化CTV空间的公司, we need a resource like this to make sure that we’re operating with the highest quality insights possible. Many industries have already taken massive steps toward increasing transparency, 而Pixalate正通过这一新产品帮助推动这一趋势.”

“联网电视和移动应用广告都在增长, 但对于买家来说,要充分拥抱潜在的机会, 我们要扩大高质量服务的可及性, brand-safe inventory," said Eric Bozinny, Senior Director, Marketplace Quality, PubMatic. "Pixalate's Publisher Trust Index is an important tool for advertisers that want to expand their CTV or mobile app footprint beyond a handful of household names. These rankings will shine a light on the broader portfolio of premium apps that can deliver on the programmatic promise of scale and efficiency."

Pixalate的发行商信任指数, 以及免费的出版商诊断报告, are a great toolset to help identify invalid traffic for mobile and CTV app publishers,弗朗索瓦·佐莱齐说, 供应及品质主管, Criteo. “了解这个问题是根除它的第一步. Pixalate的报告为广告相关的质量问题带来了透明度, 我们很高兴能与他们合作.”

“随着央视等频道的广告支出突飞猛进, 广告商需要提高程序化购买的透明度,帕特里克·麦科马克说, Vice President, 威瑞森媒体的全球合作伙伴. “At Verizon Media, 信任和透明是最重要的, and insights like Pixalate’s new CTV and mobile app ratings help drive further visibility into the programmatic ad supply chain.”

Visit pixalate.com/rankings 免费查看顶级CTV和移动应用程序的最新收视率, 和[网站]的完整[链接]报告方法, 包括分析的{链接]指标的综合列表.

About Pixalate

Pixalate, 全球广告欺诈情报和营销合规平台, works with brands, publishers, and platforms to deliver full-scale ratings and ad inventory quality measurement. 我们全天候工作,保护您的声誉,提升您的媒体价值. Pixalate提供了唯一的跨显示协调解决方案系统, app, video, 以及OTT/CTV,以便更好地发现和消除广告欺诈. Pixalate is an MRC-accredited service for the detection and filtration of sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT) across desktop and mobile web, mobile in-app, 以及OTT/CTV广告. www.pixalate.com 


The content of this press release, and the Publisher Trust Indexes (collectively, the "Indexes"), reflect Pixalate's opinions with respect to factors that Pixalate believes may be useful to the digital media industry. The Indexes examine programmatic advertising activity on mobile apps and Connected TV (CTV) apps (collectively, the “apps”). As cited in the Indexes and referenced in the Indexes’ key findings reproduced herein, 指数中的评级和排名是基于一些指标(例如.g., “Brand Safety”) and Pixalate’s opinions regarding the relative performance of each app publisher with respect to the metrics. The data is derived from buy-side programmatic advertising transactions, as measured by Pixalate. 该指数考察了北美地区的全球广告活动, EMEA, APAC, and LATAM, respectively, 以及离散应用类别中的程序化广告活动. Any insights shared are grounded in Pixalate's proprietary technology and analytics, Pixalate在持续评估和更新哪些. Any references to outside sources in the Indexes and herein should not be construed as endorsements. Pixalate的观点就是如此, opinions, which means that they are neither facts nor guarantees; and neither this press release nor the Indexes are intended to impugn the standing or reputation of any person, entity or app. 


在索引和本协议中使用,并且:(i)根据 MRC, 术语“欺诈”并不代表各种法律中定义的欺诈, 法规和条例,或按照美国法律的惯例使用.S. 法庭或其他法律程序, but rather a custom definition strictly for advertising measurement purposes;” and (ii) per the MRC, “'Invalid Traffic' is defined generally as traffic that does not meet certain ad serving quality or completeness criteria, or otherwise does not represent legitimate ad traffic that should be included in measurement counts. Among the reasons why ad traffic may be deemed invalid is it is a result of non-human traffic (spiders, bots, etc.),或旨在产生欺诈性流量的活动.”